Meet our leadership
IBC is governed by the Board of Elders, which works closely with the Executive staff, led by the Senior Pastor. Together, they are responsible for overseeing and managing the church.

Dr. Rodney Woo - Senior Pastor
Pastor Rodney started serving at IBC in July 2010, when he was called to lead as Senior Pastor. Prior to coming to Singapore, he and his wife, Sasha, both served at Wilcrest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, where the Lord started cultivating their heart for multiracial churches.

Peter Shannon - Pastoral Staff
Pastor Peter leads our Prayer and Care ministries. Prior to joining the IBC staff, he served in our Connection Groups ministry while he was completing his Masters in Counselling at the Singapore Bible College.
He and his wife, Sherry, both served in Grace Baptist Church in Taiwan, before coming to Singapore.

Lloyd Longos - Pastoral Staff
Pastor Lloyd has been serving full-time at IBC since 2014. He and his wife, Julie, have been ministering to our Young Adults and other Filipino members, as well as helping coordinate missions in the Philippines. More recently, he's also taken a lead in IBC's evangelism training and programs.

Timothy Ho - Pastoral Staff
Pastor Timothy is our Koinonia Pastor, overseeing Connection Groups and JOY Fellowship. Before joining IBC in 2023, he served as pastoral staff at a couple of local churches, in the areas of Christian Education, Cell Groups, and Evangelism.
As an adult third-culture kid born in Taiwan, he spent half of his life in the United States before settling in Singapore. He is happily married to Fenny, who works as a counselor at a non-profit organization.

Richard Tan - Elder Chair
Richard is the current Chair of the Board of Elders. He is a University lecturer with NUS. He and his wife, Siew Ying have worshipped in IBC for more than 25 years, serving in various ministries including Children’s, Youth, baptism classes, Connection Groups, and other church committees.

Anjo Tejamo - Elder
Anjo and his wife, Deanna, have played key roles in our Filipino community, Connection Groups and Children's Ministry. His heart is to continually help IBCers strengthen the foundation of their faith. He does this by leading Connection Groups, Bible studies and prayer meetings, and speaking to our Youth & Young Adults.
In addition to being an engineer and the current Director of Facilities at the International Community School (ICS), Anjo also holds a Diploma for Biblical Studies from the East Asia School of Theology (EAST).

Dr. Luke Tan - Elder
Dr Luke and his wife, Carol, along with their sons, have been worshipping at IBC since 2016. They have been involved in various ministries such as Connection Groups, Children's, Youth and Young Adults.
Outside of IBC, he serves on the board at Overseas Missionary Fellowship Singapore and invests his time in mentoring young adults and nurturing them into vocational missions through a platform called Stretch Out International. Vocationally, he is an ENT- Head and Neck Surgical Oncologist in private practice.

Andrew Loh - Elder
Andrew, and his wife, Li, have been worshipping at IBC for the past 19 years and have been involved with several ministries, including Welcome, Choir, Vacation Bible School, Adult Sunday School, to name a few. They are parents to two married children who worship and serve in other churches, and grandparents to three primary school girls.
Andrew was IBC’s Treasurer from 2022 to 2023, Church Administrator from 2015 to 2021, and a Deacon from 2013 to 2014. He currently serves in different capacities in various church committees, including Finance, Constitution, DEEPER Scholarship and Search Committee. He has also been leading an Adult Sunday School class since 2015.