Our Mission
To see men coming together to do God's work; our aim is to Connect, Grow, Serve through evangelism, conferences, seminars, Bible studies, BBQ's, sports, missions, and mentorship. All the while leading in church, in our families, and in the marketplace through faith, strength, and love.
How we Connect, Grow and Serve
We meet online Monday through Friday at 7am and would love to pray with you and for you. Below are our Zoom meeting details:
Meeting ID: 822-903-97812
Passcode: 888888
"Being in a prayer group for 4 months now, I'm blessed to be in [a] group filled with caring & committed brothers-in-Christ! To pray for one another and sharing [with each other] have transformed me inwardly & outwardly."
- Richard Ng
- Wednesday nights, 7:30pm - 9pm
- Thursday mornings, 8am - 9am
- Saturday mornings, 7:30am - 8:30am
A brotherhood of men who want to know, love and glorify God in our lives. Where we sharpen, encourage and prayerfully stand together as we seek to apply the Bible to our daily lives.
- Local Outreach at The Helping Hand
- Hosting and Facilitating Youth Homegroups
- Work as Worship - marketplace ministry
- Sports Fellowships
- Various events throughout the year

"International Baptist Church (IBC) a Home for all Nations is a blessing home to me. Men's Wednesday Bible study - what a wonderful spiritual feeding, not forgetting the physical one, I missed the table of bread fellowship shared together. Zoom Men’s Bible study is also [a] new thing that all of us should enjoy as the world is changing and never go back to where we come from say experts. My time of learning and experience [in my] Christian life in IBC is precious and unforgettable."
- Haimi Horam (East Asia School of Theology student from Nagaland)
We send out regular updates through our newsletters. If you'd like more information about the Men's Ministry, please fill out the form below or email men@ibcs.org.
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