If you would like to set a time to pray with one of our pastors, please send your details to prayer@ibcs.org or send your request through the form linked below and we will be in touch with you.
Sunday Morning Prayers
Let us come together every Sunday at 8:00am, to ask, seek, knock, and declare our dependence on God and experience Him move in our lives.
We will be in the Prayer Room, which is the room right beside the Sanctuary on Level 2.

Other Prayer Groups
MOMS-IN-PRAYER (B1 Meeting Room)
- Tuesday mornings, 10-11am
- Friday mornings, 10-11am
WIVES-IN-TOUCH (B1 Meeting Room)
- Tuesday mornings, 11-11:30am
- Friday mornings, 9:30-10am
Monday-Saturday, 7:00-8:00
Meeting ID: 822-903-97812
Passcode: 888888