Our Statement of Faith

IBC Singapore Statement of Faith

The Bible 

We believe that the Holy Bible, consisting of sixty-six books, is the inspired Word of God. We accept it as our authoritative and sufficient guide in all matters of Christian faith and conduct and church order. 


We believe that there is one true and living God. He is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver and Ruler of the universe. He is a personal Spirit, who is holy and loving, al1-wise, all-¬powerful, and present everywhere. This God has revealed Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Jesus Christ 

We believe that Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God. He is the eternal Word who became flesh. He paid the penalty for our sins and made possible our salvation by suffering and dying on the Cross of Calvary. He was buried, but on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. He ascended into Heaven where He is enthroned and is making intercession for us. One day He will return in power and glory to judge the world. Meanwhile we have accepted Him as our Saviour and Lord. 

The Holy Spirit 

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the abiding presence and power of God in the midst of His people. His work is to convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, to reveal Christ's truth to men, and to guide, sanctify, comfort, and empower us who believe in Christ. 

Man and Sin 

We believe that man was created by God in His own image, but because of disobedience, he fell into sin. All mankind, because of corrupt nature and actual transgressions, is now separated from God and stands in need of salvation. 


We believe that salvation is by God's grace alone through man's faith in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. This grace was fully revealed when Jesus Christ died for our sins on the cross. Through personal faith, each individual can receive the benefit of Christ's atonement and can return to God as a redeemed child. 

The Church 

In its totality, it is the body of which Christ is the Head, and all who truly belong to Him are its members. In a particular locality, however, it is an organized body of baptized believers who come together for worship, fellowship, spiritual encouragement, service and proclamation of the Gospel of Christ to the world. Membership is a privilege and responsibility properly extended only to those who have personally accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and have openly confessed Him by means of believer's baptism. Leadership is an additional privilege and responsibility which is entrusted by the body to some of its members for the good of all. Leaders are appointed to serve the body, since Christ Himself exercises direct Lordship over His body and its members. The Lordship of Christ is best reflected in the governance of a Church when its members, led by His Spirit, acknowledge through obedience the ordinances of baptism of believers by immersion and by participating in the Lord's Supper. Both of these ordinances symbolize the fruit of salvation. Local churches are autonomous bodies and seek to fulfill their local ministries under the leadership of their Lord. However, churches may wisely co-operate together with other churches of like faith and mind in order to achieve common goals, which can be better achieved together. 

The Christian Life 

We believe the Christian life is intended to be one of continuous growth towards spiritual maturity. Such growth is stimulated by means of daily Bible study and prayer, regular church attendance, Christian witnessing, faithful stewardship of God's blessings, and complete submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Christian life is also intended to be one of constant service to others for the sake of Christ.